
4 years and 11 months later: a boy. And a new year!

A new year, a happy I hope, has begun. A new life for us and our families and closest friends. Exciting and a bit nervous at the same time, but I think everything will be fine. I will be home for a while now and tomorrow is the first day of my own with our little boy.
After all stress, waiting, frustration and paper work we finally got our child. Worth all the waiting of course - he is adorable.
This the first day of the new year, I want to say thank you to all you guys who have been supporting us on our journey; for your patience, for your help, for your understanding. Happy new year to all of you - and to us!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Gott Nytt År, Annika!!!! Vilket år du har framför dig! Läser ikapp mig på de senaste veckorna i moderbloggen och ser en fantastisk resa. Inte som att se era filmer, men väl hur vardagens liv växer fram, arbetet, lugnet, tristessen, tårarna och myset. Ta väl hand om er! Tänker på er! God fortsättning!!! Kjell

  2. Tack Kjell! Gott nytt år till dig och vi hörs senare under våren
